Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chicken coop 2.0

It has taken me an entire year to almost complete this project. But I finally finished the inside today. It's not like the birds lived in poor condition, but I wanted it to look more know like those pictures online or in glossy magazines:) Working full time and volunteering at the fire house limits time on projects. I know, excuses excuses, but it just seems hard to spend time off on things that need to be done around the house. However last week I felt defeated, everything seemed to be overwhelming. Our vegetable garden has been a disappointment this year, no matter how hard I try, I've been challenged by weevils, groundhogs and dear. Oh and some kind of grub that ate all of our zucchini plants. One day they were fine, the next day completely dead, rotten at the base. the weavels ate my tomato plants in I kid you not 1 day. Even though I have chicken wire attached around my vegetable boxes, the groundhog finds his way in and ate our purple pool bean plants and all the carrot tops. So needles to say it has been slim pickings, but I will be more prepared next year!!!!!

The coop had also been frustrating to me, all of it put together with spit and glue, all of it meant to be temporary until I found the time to address it. Weeks turned into months, I'm not sure what inspired me, but I finally got my act together and got to work.

Last week we added 2 African geese to our flock, this was on the heals of loosing Dolly our rooster. Once again the fox struck! However the girls don't seem to mind, they were starting to look a little worse for wear, from Dolly's daily attempts at mounting them. All of the girls had the same bare patch on there backs!. African geese apparently will protect the flock from any predators. This was explained to me when I asked the breeder if I should get a pair. " oh yes" he yelled! "You need the male to hold down the predator, while the female slits it's throat!" We named them Billy and Lisa.....