Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our new chicks arrived today!

Here we are April 7th and it has been 85 degrees for the past three days. I'm hoping this is not a sign of things to come. I want Spring back! My peas are coming up, so are my cauliflower plants, but I'm worried this warm weather will make them grow to fast and weak. Hopefully by the end of this week we will have returned to a milder temp.

I picked up our 4 chicks this afternoon, our plans changed a little from what we originally wanted I was a little late in ordering and the Araucanas were all gone. We got 2 Buff Cochins, they have feathers on their feet, and 2 Buff Minorca. They will be spending the next few weeks in our guest bathroom living in a plastic tub, heat lamp, food and water. Not a bad life. Our task now is to find names for them. I have also decided to upgrade their coop so when they are ready to join the others they will have palecious digs. Right now it's a bit white trash looking. Hopefully I'll get to that this week.

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